Advanced solution, unbeatable price
We believe in offering value for money - and our simple pricing scheme reflects this philosophy. By standardizing core components, we allow for customization of your web presence whilst retaining a rich set of features. Through scale, we can offer Cynad at an attractive price point for all fund managers.
Our goal is to provide top-quality services at an affordable price point. Our fully fledged platform is available at a price of $1,000 per month. Our price will grow as your AuM grows once you hit the 20M AuM mark. From there the price will be at a fixed rate of 0.06% of onboarded AuM per annum.
Unique pricing
$1,000/m below 20M AuM
then 0.06% of AuM
Adaptative pricing that grows with you.
Fits both new and large fund managers.
- Fully branded website with custom domain
- Onboarding with our software engineer
- Access to all features, no limitation
- Unlimited number of funds to manage
- Unlimited number of user accounts